Muscle Gain

Muscle Gain Health Effects

Maintaining and building muscle is paramount to strength, functionality, and increasing your lifespan. After age 30, muscle mass decreases approximately 3-8% per decade and this rate of decline increases more after age 60. The key to combat this? Work out and lift heavy things!

How To Gain Muscle

The research has shown that just one hour of resistance exercise (like weight lifting) each week leads to a decrease in all-cause mortality risk. Activating your muscle fibers through resistance training will prevent greater protection against injury. It's a win-win!

You don't even need a gym membership to start building muscle - you can do bodyweight exercises, use resistance bands, or simply find heavy things around the house and start lifting them! Maintaining a consistent regimen is key towards maximizing the growth of your muscles. You will notice that once you start resistance training, your muscles will feel hard and dense; after you take a break for several weeks, they will feel soft and squishy. This is a good sign to return back to your weight training routine and be consistent week after week.

Natural Supplements for Muscle Gain

There's no need to turn to SARM's or anabolic steroids to build muscle, as these do more harm than good in the long term. For healthy and natural supplementation, turn to essential amino acids, creatine, and whey protein isolate. These supplements not only help you maintain and build muscle, but they also provide a whole host of benefits for your body's systems. Also check out supplements like beta-alanine and omega complexes, as these are also strong complementary weapons in your muscle-building arsenal.


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