Menopause Health Effects
Menopause doesn't have to be the time when you expect to feel your worst. Much of the health regimens that we align ourselves by day in and day out are also applicable to times when menopausal symptoms seem imminent. Mood swings, hot flashes, trouble sleeping, weight gain, and other symptoms can be reduced or avoided completely when acting on some of the following strategies.
How To Reduce Menopausal Symptoms
There are several herbs and natural supplements that show promising results for alleviating menopausal symptoms. Black Cohosh extract, Wild Yam, Chaste Tree extract, and Maca are herbs that directly counteract hormone changes and create balance within your body. Pycnogenol, from French Maritime Pine Bark, has been shown to be highly effective for menopause as well. As a daily routine, it is advised to supplement with magnesium and Vitamin E for maintenance of daily bodily functions.
Natural Supplements For Menopause
Before describing what to take, let's take a look at what not to take. Avoid sugary and spicy foods, as well as caffeine and alcohol. These can be triggers to symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. You'll also want to avoid processed foods because the refined carbohydrates and starches in these foods cause your blood sugar (glucose) levels to spike, resulting in a worsening of menopausal symptoms.
It is encouraged that you consume foods rich in calcium and Vitamin D, as your hormonal changes can likely cause a weakening of bones. It is also a good idea to consume foods rich in phytoestrogens, like tofu, soybeans, and ground flaxseed. Consuming these real food sources may help balance your hormones. And let's not forget about weight management, which is critical in this stage of life since you are prone to weight gain during menopause. Regularly exercising and drinking adequate amounts of water will help you keep weight gain at bay.